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Enhancing Safe Prescribing: Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Assessment

Prescribing for a patient who is pregnant or breastfeeding is complex; ensuring the safety and well-being of both mothers and infants is of paramount importance.  BPS Assessment has partnered with the MHRA Safer Medicines in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Consortium to develop an online assessment resource aimed at supporting healthcare professionals test their knowledge in key areas of safe prescribing during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What to Expect from the Assessment

Practical Case Studies

Each of the 12 case studies is written and reviewed by experts in the field and presented in an easy-to-follow layout giving healthcare professionals the chance to engage with scenarios that reflect real-world challenges. 

Immediate Feedback

The resource provides immediate feedback on each question, facilitating continuous learning and understanding. This feedback is a valuable tool for reinforcing and building knowledge of how to approach particular clinical presentations.

Access to Further Reading

To support in-depth learning, the assessment offers links to additional reading materials and relevant guidelines supported by MHRA. This ensures that healthcare professionals have access to the most up-to-date information.

Developed by Leading Experts

The material within this assessment has been authored and reviewed by content specialists from the MHRA consortium. It encompasses key topics, including those highlighted by the MHRA in recent patient safety alerts, ensuring that healthcare professionals are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of prescribing during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Who Should Take the Assessment?

This comprehensive assessment is aimed at anyone looking to enhance their knowledge of safe prescribing during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Whether you are a nurse, pharmacist, or physician, this resource equips you with the necessary tools to provide optimal care and make informed medication choices for your patients.

A Familiar Platform

For those familiar with the UK Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA), you’ll find this resource to be delivered using the same technology and layout. With thousands of medical students taking the PSA annually, this established platform ensures a user-friendly and efficient learning experience.

Our Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Assessment is a game-changing resource for healthcare professionals. It equips you with the knowledge and tools to make safe and informed prescribing decisions during pregnancy and breastfeeding, ultimately contributing to the well-being of mothers and their infants. Stay ahead in your field and enhance patient safety by exploring this invaluable resource today. Safe prescribing during these critical life stages is within your grasp.

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