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Preparing for the PSA Mock Exams

Are you getting ready to take your mock exams for the Prescribing Safety Assessment in November? 

Although they might not be the real thing, mock exams can be super helpful in familiarising you with the time pressures of the exam as well as highlighting any sections that take you longer than you imagined or weak spots in your knowledge. It’s worth taking your best shot when it comes to your mock exams – the better you do, the more confident you’ll feel going into the real PSA exam. 

So how can you set yourself up for success? 


Get to know the PSA exam format inside out

To get really familiar with what’s expected of you and what you’ll encounter in the PSA exam, complete our free PSA Prep eLearning sessions online and get to know: 

We’ve given you 1 session dedicated to each of the 8 sections of the PSA exam, as well as an introductory session. Get instant access to these 9 free PSA Prep sessions today – all you have to do is set up a free account


Make time to practise

Once you know what to expect in the exam and you’ve familiarised yourself with MedicinesComplete and the British National Formulary (BNF), both available to you on exam day (depending on your location), you’ll want to get practising. 

If you’re already registered for your final PSA exam, you’ll be able to access the official practice papers by logging into your account. If you haven’t yet, don’t panic! We’ve created an additional 3 practice papers to help you prep. Each paper is laid out just like the final exam, with automated marking and detailed feedback on every question, so you know where you’re going wrong and how to improve. 


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